Evaluating the Model#

The Regional Evaluation Suite can compare a regional run against observations.

Suite u-cy820 has been set up to evaluate our sample regional run. Check out the suite with rosie checkout and open it in rose edit. Make sure to set the SITE to nci in ‘General Run Options’.

MSLP Evaluation

General Options#

  • PLOT_DIR: Plot output directory

  • WEB_DIR: Website output directory

  • NUM_MODELS: How many models to compare

Cycling Options#

  • TRIAL_DATES: Start and end date of evaluation

Control/Trial model details#

  • data_host: Set to gadi

  • data_dir: RNS output directory

  • data_files: Set to ['umqvaa_pvera%N', 'umqvaa_pverb%N', 'umqvaa_pverc%N', 'umqvaa_pverd%N']

  • data_format: Set to Fieldsfile

Viewing output#

Go to the website output directory and launch a web server with python

python3 -m http.server

Right click on the link (looks like and select ‘Open Link’

Precip Evaluation

NCI are looking at how to make these visible in a web browser outside of ARE


I’ve run two runs of our target domain, the first driving the RNS with BARRA data and the second with ERA5. The website directory is /scratch/nf33/saw562/nri-workshop-tutorial/web. Open the website and explore the differences between the two models and observations.