Climate Data

An introduction to working with and creating climate datasets, and an overview of the services ARCCSS CMS provides to Centre researchers

ARCCSS CMS provides programming, data and model development support to researchers within the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science. We have a wiki at, you can email us to get help or information at


Install the Conda environment with:

conda env create -f conda-env.yml
source activate swc-climatedata

Or on VDI:

source /short/w35/saw562/conda/bin/activate swc-climatedata


13:00 A trip to the library What data is available to me?
13:30 Using NetCDF in Python How can I look at datasets using Python?
What operations are available?
14:00 Optimising analyses How can I make my analysis faster
14:15 Coffee Break Break
14:30 Outside Python How can I work with climate data outside of Python?
14:50 Publishing Data How can I make my own data available to others?
How should I cite datasets?
15:10 Analysing model output How can I analyse model output?
How can I create plots of my data?
15:50 Finish