As models get to higher and higher resolutions researchers have an ever increasing amount of output data to sift through. The 1/10th degree ocean model currently being used in the Centre spits out 70 GB of data per month for temperature alone.

This has got me interested in the different ways to slice and dice such large datasets.

The standard file format for climate data is NetCDF, and there are a wide variety of Python libraries that can read this format and return Numpy arrays to work with. Libraries like netcdf4 and xarray even load the varaiables within the file only as you use them to save memory.

This is still a problem for very large files however, as even a single variable may not fit into the computer’s memory. The dask library is one way to get around this, it combines with Xarray to allow easy use of bigger than memory datasets.

Dask breaks up a Numpy array into chunks, and then will convert any operations performed on that array into lazy operations. This means when you add two Dask arrays together nothing happens immediately, calculations are only done when the data is used, say by saving to a file or printing to the screen.

Doing calculations in this way allows for some clever optimisations. If a value is not needed it will not be calculated, and if a value is needed in two different parts of a calculation it will only be calculated once.

A Dask array is created by adding a chunks argument to Xarray’s open_dataset:

import xarray

filename = '/g/data/v45/mom/mom01v3/output055/'
data = xarray.open_dataset(filename, chunks={'time':5, 'st_ocean':1})

This argument is a dictionary saying how big each slice should be in each dimension, in this case each chunk has 5 time values, a single vertical level and the entire horizontal domain. The exact settings require some thought - for this example I’m going to calculate the mean global surface temperature. Since I’m only looking at the surface I only need to load one vertical level, and loading the whole horizontal field at once means less communcations when calculating the mean.

Once the Dask array has been created you can then use Xarray as normal. I quite like Xarray’s interface - it’s powerful, and lets you work in a functional manner without needing to worry about writing loops.

surf_temp = data.temp.isel(st_ocean = 0)
mean_surf_temp = surf_temp.mean(dim=('yt_ocean','xt_ocean'))

Up to now nothing’s actually happened. No data has been read (apart from some metadata to determine the variable size). Only when you write the dataset do things start happening:

# Enable a Dask progress bar
from dask.diagnosics import ProgressBar

new = xarray.Dataset({'mean_surf_temp':mean_surf_temp})
new.attrs['history'] = "%s: Mean surf temp of %s"%(, filename)

When to_netcdf() is called data needs to be moved, so each chunk is loaded one by one, the surface mean is calculated, then the parts are glued back together to be written to the output file.


Dask and Xarray are available in Anaconda:

conda create -n xarray python=3 xarray
source activate xarray

Combining multiple files

If the data is split across multiple files (say one file per month of data) you can either load all files at once with xarray.open_mfdataset(), or you can load the files individually and join them later with xarray.concat().

Parallel Processing

Dask can run calculations in parallel using either threads or multiple processes. Unfortunately only the default threaded method appears to work with NetCDF files at the moment, and even then all NetCDF IO is a serial operation. If you’re doing simple operations this means you may not see much speed-up from using multiple cpus.

You can set the number of threads Dask uses with:

import dask
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

ncpus = 4
dask.set_option(pool = ThreadPool(ncpus))


Dask also has a nifty profiler built-in, which lets you see CPU usage and the like:

from dask.diagnostics import Profiler, ResourceProfiler, visualize
prof = Profiler()
rprof = ResourceProfiler()

# Run your program...

visualize([prof, rprof], show=False)

This will create a file profile.html that you can open in a browser to see the profile report (use show=True to automatically launch a browser, this won’t work on Raijin)