In my last post I talked about how to set up a new python library by creating a new source repository and the script that pip uses to install it. In this post I’ll talk about setting up testing for the library, and automating code quality checks using services like Travis-ci and Landscape.

You can see the end results at


Wind Tunnel Testing, Scale Model of Space Launch System (NASA, SLS, 11/04/13)

There are quite a few libraries around for testing Python code. I like to use py.test, as it doesn’t require much boiler-plate code to use, you just write functions with an name starting with test_:

$ pip install pytest
$ py.test

Testing is important as it’s what lets you know your code is doing what it’s supposed to be doing

A useful way to go about creating tests for your code is to do what’s called ‘test-driven’ development. In this method you write tests before the code, which encourages you to think about how the code’s actually going to be used.

For ARCCSSive, I wanted users to be able to easily select experiments from the CMIP5 database. My idea was to have a query() function that would take various attributes to search for, and would return something that users could loop over to get the output files:

# tests/
import ARCCSSive
def test_connect():
    data = ARCCSSive.CMIP5.connect()

    # We want to be able to store connection inforomation in an object
    assert data

def test_query():
    data    = ARCCSSive.CMIP5.connect()
    results = data.query(model = 'ACCESS1_0')

    # Query should return something that's iterable
    assert len(results)

    # We can get the files from the results
    for r in results:
        assert r.files()

Py.test will by default search the tests directory for functions beginning with test_, then run them. The assert statement will report an error if it’s argument is False or None, I’m using it as a way to check functions are returning something.

At this stage I’m not saying what the return values of the functions should be, just the properties that I’d like them to have. If I run py.test now it will collect all of the tests and run them for me, reporting any failures:

$ py.test
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.3 -- py-1.4.26 -- pytest-2.6.4
plugins: cov, pep8, cache
collected 2 items 

tests/ FF

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_connect _________________________________

    def test_connect():
    >       data = ARCCSSive.CMIP5.connect()
    E       AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'CMIP5'

The first error is easy to fix - I don’t have a CMIP5 module yet. From here it’s a process of writing code to make the tests pass. Once the tests are passing we can commit both the code and tests to the repository, then add a new test for the next bit of functionality we need. As we add functionality to the library we know from the tests that existing functionality isn’t being broken. You can also add new tests if a bug is reported to ensure that it’s fixed in the next release.



Once you’ve got some tests set up it’s a good idea to automate them, so that they are run whenever you commit code. travis-ci is a service that links up with Github to run your tests for you, it will also add information to branches and pull requests on Github saying if tests are passing and send you an email if tests start failing.

Travis is controlled by a file .travis.yml in the top level of your repository. This file tells Travis how to install and run your tests as well as what language versions to use. Travis will build your code on a virtual machine that’s deleted when the run has finished, so you’re free to install your own packages using pip (or apt-get, though you’ll need to request sudo as well)

# .travis.yml
language: python
  - 2.7
  - 3.4

  - pip install --upgrade pytest coverage codecov
  - pip install .

  - coverage run --source ARCCSSive -m py.test

  - codecov

This file says to run two sets of tests, using Python versions 2.7 and 3.4. This is a good way to make sure your library is compatible with Python 3 without needing to install extra libraries on your own computer. Nowdays supporting Python 2 and 3 at the same time is pretty simple, but there are some corner cases that can catch you if you don’t test regularily. With each Python version Travis will run the install commands to install the package and some testing libraries, then it will run the script commands and report any errors.

With the .travis.yml file in your repository you can log into Travis with your Github account, then activate any repositories you want to test. Travis will run whenever you add a commit or someone makes a pull request.

ARCCSSive on Travis: Build Status


You’ll notice that the Travis script above isn’t running py.test directly, instead it’s using a program called coverage. This is a helper function that measures what lines in your code are actually being run, so that you can see where you’re missing tests. The information is uploaded to a service called codecov to produce a nice view of the test coverage. Codecov can also make suggestions on what functions you could add tests to, and gives you a badge to add to your to show the percent of code you’re testing.

ARCCSSive on Codecov:

Code Quality

Another helpful web service to use with Python libraries is landscape, which is an automated code review tool. Landscape checks your code’s quality, for instance making sure it adheres to the PEP 8 standard and that functions aren’t too large or complex. It’s not neccessary to follow all of its suggestions, but they can help make sure your code is understandable to others. Like Travis you can activate your repository on Landscape using your Github account, and it also gives you a badge for your

ARCCSSive on Landscape: Code Health

Next Steps

Now that our code is working, tested and reasonably readable the next step is to put together some documentation. In the next post I’ll talk about using Sphinx to semi-automatically document your code, and how to upload the documentation to ReadTheDocs.